Podiatry and Podiatric Surgery are essential services and as such we continue to open our doors for all your needs during this difficult time. Our facilities and other Allied Health practitioners are also open 5 days a week for you.
We understand some people who are isolating or are at risk are unable to come into our clinic and as such have developed our TeleHealth platform through Zoom an online face-face conferencing tool.
Dr Chris Pocklington our podiatrist and podiatric surgeon is available for one-to-one health consults on anything lower-limb related.
Most consults can be delivered in an online format.
We are able to facilitate
- Diagnosis and treatment advice
- Management plans
- Personalised Stretching and Strengthening Rehabilitation Programs
- Imaging and interventional radiology referrals such as x-rays, ultrasounds, MRI’s, cortisone and PRP injections
- Surgical consultations and management plans.
- And many more services
- Orthotic’s and Orthotic Reviews such as ordering replacement pairs of orthotics or refurbishments of existing pairs.
(These can be sent into our clinic for repair or new orthotics ordered from our online database of your foot scans and prescriptions without needing to come into the clinic.
How do I arrange an appointment:
Simply book an appointment for a TeleHealth Zoom Review online at our website: https://www.momentumsp.com.au/ or call us on 1300 668 588
You will need to sign up for a free account at Zoom https://zoom.us/. The sign up process takes less than 5 minutes and you can consult with us from any phone, tablet, laptop or computer device.
On the day of your appointment you will be sent a link to your virtual appointment of which your asked to connect 10 minutes prior to your consultation.
Billing and Rebates:
All podiatry patients with a GP referral for an Enhanced Primary Care Plan will be bulk-billed.
Private health funds rebates may apply for an item code F404 – Extended Telephone Consultation. We advise you to confirm with your health provide if they rebate for telehealth and telephone consultations prior to attendance.
All telehealth conferences are billed at a reduced rate F404 - $85
Each consultation lasts approximately 30 minutes duration.
An invoice will be sent to you via email and billing can be paid over the phone.
