Fungal Nail Treatment
An ingrown toenail, as the name suggests is a nail that has grown inwards piercing the skin, and mainly affects the toenail. This can happen due to various reasons like wearing improper footwear, neglecting foot care and nail injury.
Any condition that reduces blood flow to the foot like diabetes, puts you at a higher risk of suffering from an ingrown toenail. Ingrown toenails can be painful and if left untreated, it can lead to pus formation and severe fungal infection.
You may experience swelling, bleeding, redness around the nail, throbbing pain and, may even find it difficult to walk. It is advisable and recommended to go for a fungal nail treatment to avoid further complications.
How Does Fungal Nail Treatment Help?
A professional podiatrist is qualified to assess and treat your toenail infection. You are assured of proper treatment and faster recovery when you visit a skilled and reliable podiatrist. At Momentum Podiatry, we do a thorough localised assessment of the ingrown toenail to determine the cause and severity of the infection.
We also do a vascular assessment using Doppler-Ultrasound to ensure you have enough blood flow to heal the wounds. Our highly-qualified team also reviews your medical and medication history thoroughly to rule out any underlying health issues that could be contributing to the present condition.
Once you are assessed, your podiatrist will decide if you need a simple ingrown toenail removal or require surgery. Your podiatrist will also prescribe antibiotics and other medication for faster recovery and pain relief. At Momentum Podiatry, we have a podiatric surgeon who is qualified to prescribe scheduled medicines and help with your recovery.
How Do I Treat Toenail Infection At Home?
You may try some home remedies to treat your toenail infection at home. Do not try to pull your nails and always use clean hands. Add little Epsom salt or coarse salt to warm water, and soak your legs in it for 15-20 minutes, twice or thrice a day. This will help the pus to drain out and reduce pain.
You may also apply antibiotic or antifungal lotion on the nail and the surrounding area. Keep your foot dry always and wear only comfortable and loose footwear that does not rub the nail. If you see that the symptoms are not reducing or there is an increase in swelling or pain, do seek medical help to avoid any complications. A qualified medical practitioner can help in your faster recovery and pain management. They can also assess the root cause of the infection and provide treatment so that it does not recur again.
Your Health & Well-Being Is Our Priority
At Momentum Podiatry, we aim to provide personalised and caring treatment to every individual from the community. We believe in wholesome and healthy living and have a team of highly-qualified practitioners who specialise in diverse clinical areas to provide optimal patient care. Our team values are based on communication, collaboration, and commitment to excellence.
Our multi-disciplinary team of dedicated and friendly practitioners helps and assist you in your wholesome recovery.
Make us a part of your healing journey. Call us now!